NMTC Case Study for Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans


In 1996 the Daughters of Charity Service of New Orleans (DCSNO) was incorporated to perpetuate a Catholic presence in healthcare. A central purpose of DCSNO’s mission is to improve healthcare access for all New Orleanians, with a special interest in persons of low-income or without health insurance by providing primary care and preventative health services.

DCSNO was expanding capacity at its current locations and assessing additional locations throughout the Greater New Orleans Region. The expansions and rehabilitation projects in Carrollton and St. Cecilia would exponentially increase clinical spaces, services, and programs and resources for the community so that there was a place to promote health and wellness in some of the most underserved and vulnerable communities.

Community Outcomes


The DCSNO Carrollton project is an expansion of an existing community healthcare center. The expansion is a two-story steel frame, brick veneer building. After completion, the existing and new building were adjoined for a total “under-roof” square footage of approximately 33,600 square feet. Its first floor houses primary outpatient medical services, a pharmacy and behavioral health counseling services. The second floor accommodates outpatient clinics for dental and optometry services.

St. Cecilia

The DCSNO St. Cecilia project included the rehabilitation of a historic school building in the Bywater Historic District in the City’s Ninth Ward. It is on the current campus of the deconsecrated St. Cecilia Catholic Church. It is a two-story masonry building of both wood and steel framing with approximately 21,400 square feet. The interior of the building houses primary outpatient medical services, dental services, a pharmacy, and behavioral health counseling services.

Through the Carrollton and St. Cecilia healthcare centers, DSCNO provides services to 17,500 patients annually. Located in a Federal MUA, DSCNO partners with and provides community outreach to 20 schools, 5 homeless shelters and 11 neighborhood centers, and the non-profit organization provides formal training experiences for approximately 125 residents and students for colleges throughout the region. In addition to its community services outcomes, the project supports 202 direct jobs, of which 140 are permanent jobs and 62 are construction jobs.



March 2010

Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans

Greenville New Markets Opportunity, LLC

Iberia Bank

Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans Foundation

Carrollton Health Center 3201 S. Carrollton Avenue New Orleans, LA
St. Cecilia Health Center 1030 Lesseps Street New Orleans, LA

22071007200 / 22071001304

55,000 Square Feet
202 Direct Jobs
17,500 Capacity

Poverty Rate: 48.7% / 48% Median Family Income: 39.7 % / 23.1%
Unemployment Rate: 15.1% / 19.4% Federal MUA
FEMA Disaster Area

“For many people the closing of Charity Hospital and other facilities changed the way they received healthcare. We are committed to being an integral part of filling the primary care void those closures created. We offer people a community-based medical home – one team in one location. We will soon provide more services and more professionals in a new building that triples the facility we have now.”

Michael Griffin | President/CEO of Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans

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