OIG Report: SBA’s Business Development Assistance to 8(a) Program Participants

On February 14, 2022, the Office of Inspector General (OIG), U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) issued a report on SBA’s Business Development Assistance to 8(a) Program Participants. The objective of the audit was “to determine to what extent SBA measures and monitors an 8(a) firm’s progress toward achieving individual business development goals. The objective was also to ensure 8(a) firms receive the help needed to meet their goals and if the program adapted during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 pandemic.”

Why should we care about the findings of this report? Often OIG reports foreshadow what might be expected in the coming year. This report gives 8(a) companies a preview of what SBA may focus on.

Listen to Susan Moser, Partner and Leader of Cherry Bekaert’s Government Contracting practice and Brendan Halloran, a Director in the Firm’s GovCon practice, discuss what they learned from the OIG report and key takeaways, including:

  • Background on the SBA 8(a) Program and data points from the Report
  • OIG’s findings and recommendations
  • What 8(a) contractors should expect in the coming year

Our Government Contractor Services group has an in-depth understanding of the 8(a) program and advises a number of 8(a) government contractors through each step of the process to add value and anticipate ongoing opportunities. From the initial important decisions made in becoming an 8(a), to the first contract, to how the company is growing throughout the life of the program.

If you have any questions specific to your situation, Cherry Bekaert’s GovCon Consultants are available to discuss your situation with you.

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If you haven’t already, listen to other episodes in our podcast series discussing various aspects of the SBA 8(a) Program:

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Brendan Halloran headshot

Brendan Halloran

Government Contractor Services

Director, Cherry Bekaert Advisory LLC